The game, drawing reference from the classic «Road Runner» (Atari, 1986), has been entered in the PUR-80 category, utilizing Atari BASIC for the Atari XL/XE.

Players assume the role of the Road Runner, maneuvering to evade cacti and Coyote's rockets while earning points by navigating obstacles. Movement is managed through a joystick, allowing players to move left and right, as well as jump.

Development involved creating sprites for the Road Runner, cacti, and rockets. The game logic and setup were optimized to fit within 10 lines, each with up to 80 characters of abbreviated BASIC instructions. Additional features, such as sound effects, were also incorporated.

{getCard} $type={post} $title={YOU MAY LIKE}

"While I was searching for a simple game concept for the PUR-80 category, Eric Carr submitted a beautiful gem for the same category: Magic Carpet Ride. He used the same programming techniques I employed in previous games, and I thought I could also combine those techniques to create another game concept," said Parada on his website.

The developer meticulously documented the process, including code snippets, game mechanics and optimizations implemented during the five-day development period. Graphics were tailored for the Atari platform, encompassing adjustments to color palettes and sprite animations.

Endless Road Runner for Atari 8-bit computers
{getButton} $text={Download} $icon={download} $color={#f20505} $info={90 kB}

To load the game in Altirra emulator, you must first enable BASIC. On the menu:
System > Configure System > Firmware
Mark the box: "Enable BASIC (boot without Option pressed)".
{alertWarning} a Las noticias de retroinformática que todo amante de la informática clássica debe conocer concentradas en un solo punto de la red de redes." />

«Endless Road Runner» competes in the BASIC 10Liners 2024 | Download

Inspired by a recent discussion on AtariAge's forums, Víctor "Vitoco" Parada from Chile presents «Endless Road Runner», his second entry for NOMAM's BASIC 10-liners contest.

The game, drawing reference from the classic «Road Runner» (Atari, 1986), has been entered in the PUR-80 category, utilizing Atari BASIC for the Atari XL/XE.

Players assume the role of the Road Runner, maneuvering to evade cacti and Coyote's rockets while earning points by navigating obstacles. Movement is managed through a joystick, allowing players to move left and right, as well as jump.

Development involved creating sprites for the Road Runner, cacti, and rockets. The game logic and setup were optimized to fit within 10 lines, each with up to 80 characters of abbreviated BASIC instructions. Additional features, such as sound effects, were also incorporated.

{getCard} $type={post} $title={YOU MAY LIKE}

"While I was searching for a simple game concept for the PUR-80 category, Eric Carr submitted a beautiful gem for the same category: Magic Carpet Ride. He used the same programming techniques I employed in previous games, and I thought I could also combine those techniques to create another game concept," said Parada on his website.

The developer meticulously documented the process, including code snippets, game mechanics and optimizations implemented during the five-day development period. Graphics were tailored for the Atari platform, encompassing adjustments to color palettes and sprite animations.

Endless Road Runner for Atari 8-bit computers
{getButton} $text={Download} $icon={download} $color={#f20505} $info={90 kB}

To load the game in Altirra emulator, you must first enable BASIC. On the menu:
System > Configure System > Firmware
Mark the box: "Enable BASIC (boot without Option pressed)".

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