«ACME, Inc.» is a single-player game developed in ugBASIC, compatible with various 8-bit home computers such as the Atari 400/800/XL/XE, TRS-80 Color Computer 1/2, and Olivetti Prodest PC128.

Inspired by the popular animated series, the objective of «ACME, Inc.» is to guide the Coyote and help him evade the rolling barrels for as long as possible. The longer you evade the barrels, the higher your score climbs.

In his website, Spedaletti emphasizes the game's modest size and adherence to strict coding constraints of the competition, particularly in the EXTREME-256 category, limiting each line to a maximum of 256 characters without relying on third-party libraries.

He highlights the importance of ugBASIC in enabling cross-platform development, as it offers isomorphic language features and cross-compilers compatible with Linux and Windows, translating high-level algorithms directly into assembly code for the target CPU/computer.

Notably, Spedaletti's first entry in the competition, «Falling Balls», challenges players to strategically drop balls into baskets at the bottom of the screen, aiming for the shortest path to maximize points.

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As reported earlier by Atariteca, the deadline for NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024 submissions is Saturday, March 16th, at 6:00 PM (GMT), with the award ceremony scheduled for Saturday, April 6th.

ACME Inc. for Atari 8-bit computers
{getButton} $text={Download} $icon={download} $color={#f20505} $info={33 kB}
a Las noticias de retroinformática que todo amante de la informática clássica debe conocer concentradas en un solo punto de la red de redes." />

«ACME, Inc.»:latest entry for NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024 | Download

Marco "spotlessmind1975" Spedaletti (Italy) has unveiled his second entry for NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024 competition: «ACME, Inc.».

«ACME, Inc.» is a single-player game developed in ugBASIC, compatible with various 8-bit home computers such as the Atari 400/800/XL/XE, TRS-80 Color Computer 1/2, and Olivetti Prodest PC128.

Inspired by the popular animated series, the objective of «ACME, Inc.» is to guide the Coyote and help him evade the rolling barrels for as long as possible. The longer you evade the barrels, the higher your score climbs.

In his website, Spedaletti emphasizes the game's modest size and adherence to strict coding constraints of the competition, particularly in the EXTREME-256 category, limiting each line to a maximum of 256 characters without relying on third-party libraries.

He highlights the importance of ugBASIC in enabling cross-platform development, as it offers isomorphic language features and cross-compilers compatible with Linux and Windows, translating high-level algorithms directly into assembly code for the target CPU/computer.

Notably, Spedaletti's first entry in the competition, «Falling Balls», challenges players to strategically drop balls into baskets at the bottom of the screen, aiming for the shortest path to maximize points.

{getCard} $type={post} $title={YOU MAY LIKE}

As reported earlier by Atariteca, the deadline for NOMAM's BASIC Ten-Liners 2024 submissions is Saturday, March 16th, at 6:00 PM (GMT), with the award ceremony scheduled for Saturday, April 6th.

ACME Inc. for Atari 8-bit computers
{getButton} $text={Download} $icon={download} $color={#f20505} $info={33 kB}

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