Through the Facebook page of the Chilean portal Atariware, Carrasco recalled that the cosmetic adjustments date back to 2014 when Lyren "Xuel" Brown (USA) accepted another user's request to add a space between the score and the indication of remaining lives. This makes the information clearer and easier to read during frenetic matches.

On the title screen, there was an annoying 1-pixel bug in the stripes on the right hand. This defect was present in the original ROM. The glitch caused the stripe to move outward and then return to its position repeatedly during the animation.

Another corrected defect affected the title screen. During a single frame at the beginning, the text appeared in gray. Let's not forget that «Joust» was initially developed for the Atari 5200 console and later ported to Atari 8-bit computers.

Brown has cracked numerous games to be compatible with the XL OS operating system. With this compilation, the Atari community has not only improved the gaming experience but also demonstrated its passion for preserving and enhancing classics.

Joust - all fixes version for Atari 8-bit computers
{getButton} $text={Download} $icon={download} $color={#f20505} $info={17 kB} a Las noticias de retroinformática que todo amante de la informática clássica debe conocer concentradas en un solo punto de la red de redes." />

Download | Enhanced version of classic «Joust» with community fixes

Abel "Ascrnet" Carrasco (Chile) compiled a series of fixes created by the AtariAge forum community into a single file for «Joust», an iconic Atari game (1983).

Through the Facebook page of the Chilean portal Atariware, Carrasco recalled that the cosmetic adjustments date back to 2014 when Lyren "Xuel" Brown (USA) accepted another user's request to add a space between the score and the indication of remaining lives. This makes the information clearer and easier to read during frenetic matches.

On the title screen, there was an annoying 1-pixel bug in the stripes on the right hand. This defect was present in the original ROM. The glitch caused the stripe to move outward and then return to its position repeatedly during the animation.

Another corrected defect affected the title screen. During a single frame at the beginning, the text appeared in gray. Let's not forget that «Joust» was initially developed for the Atari 5200 console and later ported to Atari 8-bit computers.

Brown has cracked numerous games to be compatible with the XL OS operating system. With this compilation, the Atari community has not only improved the gaming experience but also demonstrated its passion for preserving and enhancing classics.

Joust - all fixes version for Atari 8-bit computers
{getButton} $text={Download} $icon={download} $color={#f20505} $info={17 kB}

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